Um Leturprent


Umhverfisstefna Leturprents

Leturprent notar eingöngu umhverfisvænan pappír og prentliti.
Letuprent er eina prentstofan sem notar umhverfisvænan stafrænan toner Simitri HD Toner prentblek. Pappír sem við notum eingöngu er FSC & PEFC, EMAS, OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 merktur sem þýðir að hann uppfyllir ströngustu skilyrði  umhverfisvottunar og er einnig viðurkenndur af Norræna Svaninum.
Staðlar og vottanir fyrir skóga og rekjanleika aðfangakeðju eru: FSC og PEFC.
Leturprent er fyrsta prentfyrirtækið í landinu sem fékk skrifstofuskráningu hjá Umhverfisráðuneytinu 2001.
Leturprent er ekki skráð sem iðnfyrirtæki sem notar spilliefni eins og flest prentfyrirtæki.
Leturprent flokkar allt sorp og skilar til enduvinnslustöðvar.  Leturprent gefur leikskólum alla pappírs afganga sem falla til við framleiðslu.

Með því að velja Leturprent velur þú vörur sem uppfylla ströngustu umhverfis- og gæðaskilyrði.

Hvað þýðir þetta fyrir okkar viðskiptavini.

Með því að eiga viðskipti við Leturprent tryggir þú að:

  • Einungis er notaður umhverfisvottaður pappír, endurunninn eða pappír frá nytjaskógum
  • Einungis er notaður umhverfisvænn litur sem í grunninn er úr jurtaolíu.
  • Allur afgangspappír er flokkaður og endurunninn.

Við vinnum markvisst að því að allir starfsmenn séu upplýstir um umhverfisáhrif sem tengjast rekstri fyrirtækisins sem og lög, reglugerðir, staðla og kröfur í umhverfismálum til þess að öll skilyrði í umhverfismálum séu uppfyllt.

Hér fyrir neðan má sjá vottun pappírsframleiðanda sem Leturprent notar.

We also want our customers to be able to benefit from our great environmental commitment.
In addition to the aforementioned FSC certification, we support and work with a number of certification systems
that guarantee good environmental performance and constant improvements,
while also making our efforts visible to our customers and other interested parties.

Here is a brief explanation of the most important of these:

ISO 14001 is an international standard that defines the requirements for environmental work carried out by certified businesses,
e.g. structured feedback on environmental performance through targets and action plans and
regular internal and external inspection, with constant improvement as a basis, is required. T
he standard is revised regularly and the current requirement document is ISO 14001:2004.

Certification is undertaken by independent officially-approved certification bodies. Three of our four paper mills* are certified in accordance with ISO 14001 (*Arctic Paper Mochenwangen is not certified)

EMAS is a voluntary EU regulation/environmental management standard that defines the requirements for an EMAS-registered business. EMAS sets all the same requirements as ISO 14001, along with additional requirements for, e.g. preparation of regular environmental reports. Registration is through an approved inspector from the Swedish Environmental Management Council. The regulation is revised regularly and the current regulation is (EC) no. 761/2001. Three of our four paper mills* are registered according to EMAS (*Arctic Paper Mochenwangen is not registered).

Arctic Paper Kostrzyn, Arctic Paper Grycksbo and Arctic Paper Munkedals prepare annual EMAS environmental reports, with detailed information on the operations’ environmental performance.

OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems) is a
European certification system that is used by our paper mill in Kostrzyn.

ISO 9001 is an international standard that defines the requirements for quality assurance work by certified businesses. The requirements ensure systematic and documented production processes, for the purpose of minimising defects in quality and optimising reliability. Certification is undertaken by independent officially-approved certification bodies. Arctic Paper Kostrzyn and Arctic Paper Grycksbo are certified in accordance with the current standard ISO 9001:2000.

Paper Profile is an information service that makes it easy for customers to compare different products. Supported by distributors and industry associations, leading pulp and paper manufacturers, this is a product declaration format used for individual products, providing essential information regarding �ey environmental parameters and the producing company.

FSC & PEFC-certified pulp. Today, large expanses of European forests are PEFC certified, while an as yet lower, but growing, proportion is FSC certified. Arctic Paper works with both FSC and PEFC pulp.

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) was founded in 1999 and is an independent global umbrella organisation for evaluation and mutual recognition of national forest standards working for sustainable forestry through independent third-party certification. The aim is to promote sustainable forestry with a balance between these three aspects: forest production, environmental protection and social interests.